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Reflecting on How the Past Shapes the Present

Large white roll paper is taped up on floor to ceiling windows, covered in colourful post-its, with three empty chairs in the foreground.

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Challenge yourself to spot where past attitudes, beliefs, and logics shape your present reality in relationship to institutional philanthropy and/or your own giving behaviours. Download the timeline posters, and ask yourself the following questions:
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    What's similar or different about your context from each of the historical periods highlighted on the posters and in the podcast?
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    In your context, who gives? What are the sources of donors' wealth? If you yourself give, where do your resources come from?
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    In your context, who receives? How are people on the receiving end of philanthropy selected and seen? If you personally give, how do you decide who you give to? What language is used to describe recipients' needs?
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    In your context, what is the nature of the relationship between givers and receivers? If you personally give, in what ways are you in relationship with recipients? Is it a direct or mediated relationship?

What's changed? What's stayed the same?

Image of timeline of 3000 BC
Download timeline posters

What to read next

Map of Giving Practices

Find new perspective on what modern, Western philanthropy is and isn't by surveying other practices of giving and the philosophies that underlie them.

Timeline of Institutional Philanthropy

Gain insights into the origins of present-day philanthropy by getting curious about the purpose, values, beliefs, and power dynamics, behind past practices.

Learning in Complex Systems

Understand what it means to be working in the realm of complexity. Learn about collaborative inquiry, a process that can help us build alternative perspectives on systems that we are part of.

See all themes