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Introduction to Learning Stories

An Asian man sitting and smiling, holding up a pink and orange paper while a White woman with long hair and black long sleeve sits next to him smiling

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Philanthropy offers a feel-good story about improving quality of life and even innovation. However, it operates in a complex and interconnected way that makes it difficult to know if that intention is ever realized. PurposePhil is a resource to explore philanthropic purpose using systems thinking.

PurposePhil is a response to community organizations who argued that while they appreciated their community foundation's efforts to make granting more equitable, they wanted to see the foundation expand their view finder, and turn it on themselves. Rather than focus on the relatively small proportion of philanthropic resources dedicated to granting, foundations, they suggested, might consider their own role in a broader system of philanthropy and its relationship to rising inequality.

PurposePhil sets out to do just that: it helps us navigate a complex philanthropic system held together by policies, practices, resource flows, relationships, power dynamics, values, and logics. Through eight themes, PurposePhil asks:

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    What has been?: What purposes has philanthropy served in the past and how was it understood? Where and when have giving practices been different?
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    What is?: How can we wrap pur heads around such a complex and sometimes opaque system? What patterns and purposes can we see at work in the current system of philanthropy?
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    What could be? What are other possible animating purposes, values, and logics for the system of philanthropy? How might structures, and resource flows, and relationships bring those purposes alive?

Where did PurposePhil Come From?

Learn more about the history of PurposePhil here.

It can be exhausting to ask big questions, follow one's curiosity, and weather the discomforts that arise in the process. It is especially so in organizational cultures that prize results, careful planning, and relational care. Big questions can ruffle feathers, following one's curiosity can look like navel gazing, and allowing moments of discomfort may seem uncaring. In order to sustain ourselves in this exploration, PurposePhil also pays attention to the conditions that enable people who are part of the philanthropic system to persevere on this learning journey.

Two people stand in front of a board pinning yarn across it to describe valleys and peaks. The heading reads "Cohort 1's Emotional Experience"

PurposePhil cohort members map out the emotional highs and lows of their half year learning journey.

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    To recognize learning as a form of action which requires our presence, curiosity, courage, and humility
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    To acknowledge and take an interest in the discomforts that arise with learning as a source of information about what matters to us, our fears, and our needs.
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    To appreciate the complexity of the highly interconnected system of philanthropy, and introduce systems thinking approaches such as sourcing diverse perspectives, learning through experiments, and a focus on narrative
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    To introduce collaborative inquiry as a method for learning focused on learners' curiosities, hunches, observations, actions, and reflections
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    To introduce this website as a learning resource that can be used in many ways

Learning in Complex Systems

Understand what it means to be working in the realm of complexity. Lift the lid on learning processes that can help us build alternative perspectives on systems that we ourselves are products of, and active agents in sustaining as they are. Read it here.

Leveraging PurposePhil for Organizational Learning

Get an overview of the resources available through this website and create your own action plan for organizational learning. Read it here.

Vancouver Foundation's PurposePhil Journey

Vancouver Foundation tested the first PurposePhil journey. Cohorts of board and staff began meeting, approximately monthly, in Fall 2021 and the process culminated in a retreat in May 2022. Read the PurposePhil Times to see how it unfolded. Read it here.

There is no podcast for the Learning theme.

What to read next

Learning in Complex Systems

Understand what it means to be working in the realm of complexity. Learn about collaborative inquiry, a process that can help us build alternative perspectives on systems that we are part of.

Leveraging PurposePhil for Organizational Learning

Get an overview of all PurposePhil resources and make your own action learning plan!

Vancouver Foundation's PurposePhil Journey

Learn about Vancouver Foundation's PurposePhil journey. From surfacing values logics to grappling with purpose. Come along on VF's very own learning journey.

See all themes