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New to philanthropy

Learn more about how philanthropy works. Explore the origins, functions, and parts of institutional philanthropy.
New to philanthropy
In this section you will find blog posts that help you...

Understand structure

So much of philanthropy isn’t visible from the outside. We tend to see foundations in terms of their fundraising and grantmaking functions, but not in terms of investments, governance, and taxation. Get acquainted with how the system of philanthropy works.

See the echoes of history

Did you know we can trace institutional philanthropy back five thousand years to Mesopotamia and the rise of grain surpluses? Find out how that history is relevant today, and probe the complex relationship between philanthropy and inequality.

Imagine possibilities

Meet sector leaders who are reimagining philanthropic narratives and core purposes -- and, in the process, questioning assumptions around perpetuity and financial growth.

Posts tailored to you..

Philanthropy's Structures & Relationships

Using systems thinking, identify connections between philanthropy and other systems. Resources flows offer a starting point to understand the structure of philanthropy.

Introduction to Intergenerational Stories

Grapple with the idea of relationships across time. How much should foundations focus on the urgencies of the present, right wrongs of the past, or lay the groundwork for future generations?

Timeline of Institutional Philanthropy

Gain insights into the origins of present-day philanthropy by getting curious about the purpose, values, beliefs, and power dynamics, behind past practices.

Perspectives on Philanthropic Structure

There is no one way to make sense of how philanthropy's structural elements relate, but looking through a range of lenses can lead us to ask different questions and consider different interests.

Map of Giving Practices

Find new perspective on what modern, Western philanthropy is and isn't by surveying other practices of giving and the philosophies that underlie them.

Present Focus

Encounter three foundations who focus on strategies to address urgencies in the here and now. Read about their experiences with spending down, philanthropic reform, and mission-aligned investment.

Reflecting on How the Past Shapes the Present

Trace the narratives and beliefs from the past that have influenced your experience and perspective of philanthropy today.

Past Focus

What are the moral obligations foundations have towards righting wrongs of the past? Learn about two foundations who have gone down the road of reparations.

Future Focus

Perpetual endowments are well established within the philanthropic sector, some say as a source of stability across generations, some say as a means to hoard resources.

Mapping Relationships for Yourself

How do you conceptualize the structures that bring philanthropy into relationship with other sets of actors?